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Principles of the publication ethics

Ethical Principles of the Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development journal

The Editorial Board of the Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development journal follows the guidelines set out by the COPE Committee on Publication Ethics contained in the COPE Code of Conduct.

All the articles submitted for publication in the journal Eunomia – Sustainable Development – Sustainable Development are checked for compliance with the principles of ethics, reliability, value and their scientific merit.

Editorial Policies

Verification of the ethical standards: The tasks of the journal editors include the verification of the published materials as to their compliance with the ethical standards and the principles of a scientific text publication and the prevention of practices which do not comply with the accepted guidelines.

Principle of scientific reliability: The editors of the journal are obliged to make every effort possible to maintain scientific reliability of the publication. To this end they can make any necessary corrections and should they suspect unfair practices (plagiarism, falsification of research results) refuse to publish the submitted work.

If necessary, the Editorial Board of the journal is ready to publish appropriate corrections, explanations or apologies.

Principle of fair play: The articles are evaluated on the basis of their substantive content only. In no way do race, gender, religion, origin, citizenship or political beliefs of the authors affect the evaluation of the texts.

Principle of confidentiality: The editors of the journal comply with the principle of confidentiality, which means it does not disclose any information about the submitted articles to third parties. The only persons authorised to access this information are the author/authors, the designated reviewers and the Editorial Board.

Criteria for the acceptance of the submitted articles: It is up to the editors of the journal to decide which articles are to be published. When deciding whether to accept a manuscript for publication or not the following criteria are taken into consideration: scientific value of the text, originality of approach to a particular topic, transparency of the argumentation, compliance with the thematic scope of the magazine.

Principle of preventing conflicts of interest: Unpublished articles may not be used by members of the Editorial Board or by any other persons participating in the publishing process without the written consent of the authors.

Withdrawal of a submitted manuscript: The Editorial Board of the journal may consider withdrawing a manuscript:

  • if there is evidence that the results of the research are not reliable, in the case of data falsification, and also in the event of unintentional errors (e.g. calculation errors, methodological errors);
  • if test results have previously been published elsewhere
  • if the work turns out to be plagiarism, self-plagiarism or if it violates the rules of ethics.

Notice of withdrawal of the text should be treated as tantamount to refusal of the manuscript publication. The notice should contain information about the author (name of the author and title of the manuscript) and the reasons (to distinguish unintentional errors from intentional abuse) for the withdrawal of the text. Should any of the above-mentioned circumstances emerge after the article has been published, it will not be removed from the published version of the magazine, but the fact of its withdrawal will be clearly marked.

Ghostwriting and guest authorship firewall:  As the scientific reliability of the research findings published in the Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development journal is of great importance for us, the submitted manuscripts are selected in accordance with ghostwriting and guest authorship firewall rules. Ghostwriting takes place when someone has made a significant contribution to a publication without disclosing their participation as one of the authors. Guest authorship (or honorary authorship) is a situation in which an author’s participation is negligible or non-existent, and yet they were named as the author or a co-author of the submitted manuscript. The Editorial Board require the authors of the submitted articles to disclose the contribution of each person involved in the creation of the work.

Ghostwriting and guest authorship are examples of scientific misconduct and if detected, they shall be frowned upon and disclosed, including the notification of relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.). Presenting and interpreting data as well as research results that are inconsistent with the principles of the editorial ethics is unacceptable and may result in the text being withdrawn or marked (in the case of the already published article).

The editors document any manifestations of scientific misconduct, especially the violations of ethical standards in science.

Policies for the Authors

Principle of scientific reliability: The author/authors of the manuscripts submitted for publication are required to provide a reliable description of the research work carried out and an objective interpretation of the results. It is essential that the author/authors provide the sources of their research. Unreliable or unethical presentation and interpretation of data and research results is unacceptable and may result in the text being withdrawn.

Principle of the originality of the work: The author/authors may submit for publication only their own original texts. Quoted research and/or other authors’ words should be cited properly. Plagiarism or fabrication of data is regarded as unethical and unacceptable behaviour.

Principle of data sharing: The author/authors should keep accurate records of raw results of the research the manuscript is based on. The author/authors may be asked to grant access to this data even after some time has passed since the publication of the article.

Principle of counteracting conflicts of interests of the authors: The author/authors should not publish articles referring to the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscripts to more than one magazine is considered unethical. The author/authors should disclose information about the sources of financing the publication, the contribution of scientific research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure) and declare any potential conflicts of interest.

Principle of authorship: Authorship should only be granted to the people who have significantly contributed to the creation, implementation and interpretation of the work. The author is required to name all co-authors contributing to the article and obtain their permission for publication. It is the submitting author’s responsibility to make sure that those who co-authored the article accept its final form. Ghostwriting and guest authorship will be considered forms of research misconduct and will be made public.

Principle of source reliability: The author/authors of the submitted manuscripts are obliged to name the publications they referenced while creating the article.

Errors in published papers: The author/authors should immediately notify the editors of the journal if they notice significant errors in the published article. An errata, an annex, a correction or a decision to withdraw the text should be published in cooperation with the Editorial Board of the journal.

Policies for the Reviewers

Cooperation with the Editorial Board: The reviewers participate in the work of the Editorial Board and have influence on the decisions made by the editors.

Principle of timeliness:  The reviewers are required to provide reviews within a set period. If for some reasons (substantive, lack of time) they are unable to meet the deadline, they should immediately inform the Editorial Board of this fact.

Principle of confidentiality: The reviewed texts are confidential. Disclosing them to third parties is unacceptable (except for persons authorised to do so).

Principle of maintaining standards of objectivity:  The reviews should be objective. Personal criticism of the authors of the submitted manuscripts is considered unethical. All of the reviewer’s remarks and reservations should be properly justified.

Principle of source reliability:  The reviewers should indicate, if necessary, relevant works related to the subject matter of the manuscript which the author failed to reference. Any significant similarities to other publications should also be indicated and reported to the Editor.

Principle of preventing conflicts of interest for the reviewers: Reviewers may not use the reviewed manuscripts for their personal needs and benefits. Also, they should not review texts that may have a conflict of interest with the author/authors.